Marketing, B.A.

市场营销专业将使你对商业有深刻的理解,并具备执行与指导产品和服务从生产者流向消费者相关的关键职能所需的技能. Study focuses on the preparation, production, pricing, 把商品和服务推销给顾客.

你将运用你的分析能力来解释数据和研究, 以及你创造性的一面,发展活动和战略,以满足企业的需求. 你将学习细分客户,制定预算,分析人口统计和撰写营销计划.

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市场营销专业为你提供了将专业知识应用于以下领域所需的背景和技能:公司应该推出哪些新产品, how should products be priced, 如何确定最好的分销渠道,如何最好地推广新产品和现有产品.

Learning Outside the Classroom

学习市场营销的学生有很多机会在课堂外学习 internships 与当地和地区企业、公司和非营利组织合作.

与经验丰富的领导者和专业人士一起工作, 你可以在广泛的营销活动中获得第一手经验. Through these out-of-class opportunities, 你利用实习机会培养了销售技能, research, pricing, customer service, social media, product promotion and business development.

市场营销专业的学生在商业领域有很多课外机会, including conference attendance, student organizations, study abroad, alumni mentoring and community outreach and research (在课程中工作或与教师导师独立工作).

Cathleen Gaffney

社区和家庭方面使得LR很少见. 我从来没有经历过比熊族更像一家人的一群人. 全球网赌十大网站从山胡桃学区得到的支持不同于其他学校.


Career Opportunities

主修市场营销的学生可以从事零售业, sales management, marketing research, advertising and promotion, consumer product marketing, sports marketing or industrial marketing.

As a program graduate, 您为所有商业领域的研究生学习做好了充分的准备,它为更高级的研究生工作或其他证书和/或执照课程提供了良好的准备.

View Career and Professional Development

Major Requirements

Transfer Policy

A student may transfer in the following:

  1. the common Business core courses except for -商业政策和不超过6个学分 , , , , and .
  2. 主修必修课程不超过6个学分.


Students in the College of Business & Economics may elect to pursue honors work. To be eligible for honors, students must:

  • have a 3.2 cumulative GPA;
  • have a 3.5 GPA in the major; and
  • have completed  and , ,  and  或已被商学院的教师邀请申请 & Economics;
  • have successfully complete  and  as honors courses;
  • have successfully complete  concurrently with , 包括一份具体的商业书面分析报告,以及向商学院的全体教员做一次口头报告 & Economics.

市场营销专业是为那些希望从事商业营销活动的个人设计的. 本专业的主要重点是为规划做准备, producing, pricing, promoting, 并在动态变化的环境中将满足需求的商品和服务放在消费者手中. 该专业为学生将来成为市场经理做准备, Advertising Managers, Sales Managers, and Marketing Researchers. 该研究计划结合了所有业务功能领域的课程, effective decision makers. The Marketing major earns a B.A. degree. 市场营销专业的课程要求如下:

News & Events

Kerry Thompson

Thompson brings comprehensive experience, 高度的专业尊重和卓越的领导才能来指导劳氏的所有医疗保健计划.

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In the second week of May, 勒努瓦-雷恩大学将在希科里的三个校区举行毕业典礼,表彰2024届毕业生, N.C., Asheville, N.C. and Columbia, S.C.

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